Far too many people in the world suffer needlessly because they don't understand their personal areas of working genius. As a result, they don't do the kind of work that gives them joy and energy, and they end up in jobs and projects that are draining and demoralizing. This is a grave tragedy on two levels.
First, it leads those people to lose confidence in themselves and enthusiasm for life, which is devastating for them, their families and friends, and society as a whole. That alone is heartbreaking.
Second, organizations and teams–even families–that don't tap into the true genius of their members can't come close to realizing their potential. They are left puzzled by their inability to achieve their goals. This often leads them to make inaccurate and hurtful judgements about one another, and to feel unnecessarily guilty about their own shortcomings.
What makes all of this particularly tragic is that it is avoidable. The solution is for everyone–employees, managers, students and spouses–to identify their areas of working genius, as well as their areas of life-draining weakness, and to put themselves in a position to tap into their genius more and engage in their weakness less.
That is what this assessment is all about.
SCROLL DOWN to learn about the 6 types of genius and how you can bring this to life in your organization!
The natural gift of pondering the possibility of greater potential and opportunity in a given situation
The natural gift of creating original and novel ideas and solutions.
The natural gift of intuitively and instinctively evaluating ideas and situations.
The natural gift of rallying, inspiring and organizing others to take action.
The natural gift of providing encouragement and assistance for an idea or project.
The natural gift of pushing projects or tasks to completion to achieve results.
Everyone has natural talents and gifts when it comes to work. As it turns out, there are six different types of gifts that are required of any group of people trying to get something done.
The purpose of this report is to help you identify your areas of Working Genius, Competency and Frustration, and to allow you to make adjustments in your life that increase your work satisfaction, raise your level of effectiveness, and increase the likelihood of sustainable success.
The information depicts the results of your quantitative assessment. Your assessment results indicate that Tenacity and Discernment are likely your areas of Working Genius, Enablement and Invention are likely your areas of Working Competency and Galvanizing and Wonder are likely your areas of Working Frustration. The qualitative review, which is part of the 18 page assessment report, gives more information about each type of Genius so individuals can make a final determination.
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